Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Security's Gaping Hole: USB Flash Drives

The Pentagon last week conceded that a USB flash drive carried an attack program inside a classified U.S. military network. Could your company be next?

Every day, flash memory devices are connected to business networks, posing a threat for which few companies are prepared. The article in Information Week by Robert Lemos paints a scary picture of the latest threat to computer security!

The U.S. military recently underscored the problem in confirming that a 2008 attack on its systems originated with a flash drive plugged into a military computer located in the Middle East. The attack served as a wake-up call to the Pentagon.

Few companies have locked down their systems against devices that can be used to steal data or infect networks from behind the perimeter. Earlier this year, a variant of an attack program known as Stuxnet used USB and other methods to spread among power companies, stealing information on the configuration of their sensitive operational networks.

Did you know almost half of all U.S. Companies have been infected by a virus via a USB flash drive?

It is time for computer security in your workplace. Protect your vital information that is critical for your company's operation with DATUM CPU Storage Lockers.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Rollok Rolling Doors-Security

Rollok rolling doors bring security to the workplace. These sleek security screens work perfectly above counters at reception or payment windows. In hospitals or other multi-office buildings locking tambour doors can secure these windows at closing while traffic continues in the hallway.

Federal regulations have mandated the security of employee records and medical files. Rollok offers security doors for static, in-place shelving, rolling mobile filing systems or custom cabinets that provides safe, reliable storage of records and files. Trust The Office Planning Group to plan your storage security with the fine products from Rollok. Rollock is #1 in security

Rollok Rolling Doors-Millwork

Rollok introduces its security doors for custom millwork. The sleek rolling doors fit the designer's scheme for a secure built-in storage compartment that is functional and pleasing to the eye. The Rollok security screen is perfect for either a vertical or horizontal application. The Office Planning Group offers another winner. Rollok is #1 in Millwork

Rollok Rolling Doors-Retail

Rollok's custom tambour rolling doors for retail applications is great for security in kiosks in malls or outdoors. The clean lines and easy operation makes Rollok a no-brainer in secure storage of products in a retail area. Rollok is #1 for retail!

Monday, May 10, 2010


Trust The Office Planning Group to evaluate your storage capacity and requirements and propose the most efficient, space-saving system that will allow for growth and expansion and all at an aggressive price.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

High Density Storage For All

It is obvious to say that everything not currently being used or displayed in your office or business is being stored. Files that are used everyday in an office are stored nearby while others used less often are stored in a more remote area. In a retail business displayed merchandise is usually backed up by more of the same stored in a warehouse in the back of the business. Busy offices often decide to use high-density storage systems to increase the amount of 'nearby file storage.' These compacting mobile systems have been used for years in offices to reduce cost and to improve customer service in the healthcare industry. Less floor space means savings and more patient records and x-rays nearby means quicker access and even more savings!
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This was great for hospitals and the medical industry but what about your business?
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The Office Planning Group now offers high-density storage for the Hospitality Industry! Shelving for the storage of linen and supplies is now available for compact spacesaving sytems saving space and money. Foodstock stored on mobile systems is modernizing foodservice in restaurants worldwide!
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The Office Planning Group now offers high-density storage for the Manufacturing and Retail Industries! From a kiosk selling watches in a local mall to a large bicycle retailer, mobile storage saves space and money. Storage systems are now manufactured to carry any number of specific products from guns to tires and these are easily mounted on a mobile compacting system. Space is money and saving space is green and both are good. www.opgtnva.com

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